10 Characteristics of a Hero

According to Louis P. Pojman in his Admiral James B. Stockdale Lecture in Ethics and Leadership, a hero is a person with moral integrity, a lack of fear and self-control. Admiral James Stockdale himself, quoted in Peter H. Gibbon's book that calls upon America to renew its heroism, believes a hero is difficult to define. There is indeed an enigmatic side to someone who acts courageously for the good of others and expects nothing in return.
  1. Unselfish, Compassionate and Brave

    • Many people act only in their own interests, but a hero is someone capable of unselfish acts. He can see the plight of others, identify with it and choose to do something about it. A similar heroic characteristic is bravery. Even when the act he has to perform is dangerous, a hero goes through with it. It might be rescuing someone from a burning building, such as a firefighter. Or it might be an ordinary man on the street, who drags someone out of a burning car.

    Uncomplaining and Stoical

    • A hero never complains. He is not someone who whinges and whines about life, even if his heroic deeds have been the cause of personal injury. A true hero realizes that acting heroically is a risky business. The inherent risk of paying a personal price for helping others is all part of the deal. But would he go back and change the way he acted if he could? No. A true hero lives by his actions.

    Modest, Understanding and Nonjudgmental

    • A true hero is a modest man, who would never dream of boasting about his heroic deeds. Boastfulness is not in his nature. He is not given to blowing his own trumpet or singing his own praises. He may even be quiet and unassuming. He is someone who sees himself as no better than anyone else. Nor would he take others to task for failing to act heroically. A hero does not judge others that way.

    An Achiever With High Moral Values

    • A hero is an achiever. He doesn't sit around waiting for someone else to take the initiative. He gets on with things. He gets the job done. A hero can work independently if required, calling upon his own inner strengths. If he works in a team, he is a likely contender to become the leader. He has high moral values but seeks to convey them through his deeds rather than his words.

      Looking at these characteristics overall, few people would be able to claim they are heroes. And even if they could claim it, they wouldn't.

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