How to Plan Your Course of Study in College

Graduation day may seem like a long way off, but you have to start
charting your course from day one. Every class you take will impact
your goal of getting your degree.


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      Find out what classes are required to graduate, when you must declare a major and what prerequisites must be taken. Also find out how to include studies for a minor.

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      Know how many units you need to take to graduate on time. If you receive financial aid, work on campus or are involved in athletics, you may be required to take a minimum number.

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      Make friends with your adviser. He or she can approve interdisciplinary classes as well as resolve scheduling conflicts. Meet quarterly to stay on track.

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      Avoid overloading yourself with course work. You may need the dean's approval if you exceed the maximum course or credit load.

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      Look into a double major, which fulfills the requirements of two majors within the same degree. To do this, you may need approval of both departments and the deans of the colleges. Also explore interdepartmental majors and double degrees.

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      If you're taking same subject classes in a sequence, try to take them one right after the other. The content will still be fresh in your mind, so you'll have an easier time as you advance.

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