How to Develop a Thesis Statement for a Reflective Paper

A strong thesis statement is the cornerstone of any successful academic paper. A reflective paper, for example, asks the writer to work from a first-person point of view to chronicle the thoughts and feelings he experienced. Thesis statements are narrowly defined and are often limited to one or two sentences. Developing a thesis statement for a reflective paper will set all subsequent writing ablaze with boldness and specificity, compelling any observer to commit to reading.


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      Focus your thesis statement with clarity and concision. Write with specificity to enhance the authority of your statement. The thesis statement sets the tone for the rest of the paper--it introduces the body of all of the following written work. Avoid passive statements, such as, "My experience working on the project had both negative and positive aspects." Stick to a clear idea upon which you will elaborate. A strong alternative may be, "Because time constraints enhanced my levels of both stress and excitement, I felt disorganized at first, before finally finding a sense of confidence."

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      Write a statement that will justify further discussion. Avoid generalizations; create a statement for your paper that will engage the reader's mind and peak his curiosity. Provide a statement that goes against conventional wisdom, for example, or invokes controversy: "Daring myself to undertake this project in such a short amount of time put a strain on relationships with academic partners and forced my to reconsider the path of my college career."

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      Make your statement innovative and reflective of your own experience. Avoid stating objective facts, such as, "I learned that two plus two equals four"; this a standard fact that lacks subjectivity. Alternatively, writing, "My final attempt in the process led me to believe that creative thinking is the leading requirement for a successful project," presents a fresh consideration, filled with a reflection that encompasses the whole of your experience.

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