How to Write an Ethical Justification

An ethical justification dissects an issue to ensure that the proper actions are taken to resolve it. When you write an ethical justification of your actions, if can help you make appropriate choices on a firm moral foundation.


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      Clearly state your moral dilemma in clear and concise language. Record these thoughts in a journal. Knowing the problem starts you towards a solution.

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      Analyze your values regarding this issue and put them in order of highest and lowest priority. Write out any emotional and political values that are at stake in this problem. Your values will form a basis for your ethical justification.

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      Study morality and ethical philosophy. There are many schools of thought from Kant to Plato, but you will have to find a line of thinking that you can agree with to map out your ethical reasoning behind your decided actions. It will require reading overviews of three to four different philosophers, but the general ethical principals are easy to understand.

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      Justify your actions. To justify your actions to any problem, you must have proof and evidence that it is the most ethical and just action for you to take as an individual. Write an ethical justification by using as many resources as you need in order to fully defend your decision, and counter any probable arguments.

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