How to Use NoodleTools

NoodleTools is a suite of computer programs designed to make writing papers and research assignments easier for both students and teachers. Best known for its NoodleBib program, which automatically formats citations in your choice of MLA, APA or Chicago style, NoodleTools offers a range of other features. Basic features such as MLA citations are free, but a paid subscription is required for full access. The full range of features provides a comprehensive paper-writing center where students can do everything from setting up outlines and notecards to sending their work to their teachers.


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      Log in to NoodleTools and navigate to your personal folder. Click on "Create a New Project" and select a formatting style. You can choose from MLA, APA and Chicago/Turabian. Make sure you pick the correct style, because you will not be able to switch formats later.

      You can create a new project as soon as you receive an assignment for a paper, and use NoodleTools through every step of the process.

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      Research your paper topic and record your research notes using the Notecards feature. This feature is free for all subscribers. Navigate to the Notecards page either through the Notecards or the Bibliography tab in the navigation bar.

      Use Notecards to take notes, just as you would with index cards. You'll be able to access them from any computer with an Internet connection. You can paste information directly from web browsers, but you'll also be able to link your notes to your sources to avoid accidental plagiarism. You can also rearrange, annotate and tag your notecards to help you organize your research.

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      Create an outline for your paper. The Outline feature is located on the right panel of the Notecard tabletop. When you create a new outline, NoodleTools will format it automatically for you. Add or delete items by clicking the green "+" symbol or the red "x" symbol. As you create your outline, you may use the arrow keys to rearrange items as needed.

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      Write your paper. NoodleTools partners with GoogleDocs for its paper-writing feature, so you'll need an account with Google to write your paper. Clicking on "Paper" in the navigation bar opens a blank document in your GoogleDocs account. If you have an account, you'll be able to write and access your paper through GoogleDocs on any computer with an Internet connection. You can also share papers in progress or completed assignments with your teacher through this feature.

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      Cite your sources. Navigate to "Bibliography" in the navigation bar. Your citation format should already be set. For each source you cite, select the source type from the comprehensive drop-down menu. A series of screens will prompt you for all the bibliographic information you need for each citation. Fill out as much of the information as you can and NoodleTools will cite each source for you using the proper formatting.

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