What Are Financial Aid Application Deadlines?

Financial aid application deadlines are the final dates for receipt of financial aid applications. After these date pass, financial aid awards are no longer available or are greatly reduced. Deadlines vary from state to state and whether the awarding agency is at the state or federal level.
  1. Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA)

    • The official federal deadline for the FAFSA is always in September. However, individual states may have an earlier deadline; a list of these deadlines is available on the FAFSA application website.

    State Deadlines

    • Applications for state financial aid are handled through FAFSA, and the deadlines are determined based upon the state in which an applicant lives. Some states have a later deadline for additional community college aid. For example, California has an initial deadline of March 2nd but a later date of September 2nd for supplemental financial aid. Therefore, as long as an applicant gets the application in by the September date, he will receive some funds.

    Campus Deadlines

    • The deadlines for on-campus scholarships vary and are available in the financial aid office.

    Department Deadlines

    • If a particular department is awarding a scholarship the deadline can vary and the department office should be contacted.

    Off-Campus Scholarship Deadlines

    • Off-campus scholarships are awarded year-round and will generally list the deadline in a description of the contest.

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