How to Study Accounting at Home

Accounting is a broad discipline that includes the methods used for recording and reporting financial transactions. Accountants are found in every enterprise and environment including corporations, hospitals and government agencies. They differ in their level of education, experience and responsibilities. Universities offer online accounting programs through which you can obtain a certificate or degree by fulfilling course requirements as adapted for online studies. Independent study requires discipline and commitment and regular correspondence with course instructors.


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      Decide on the level of education you want to obtain. Network with friends and family to find accountants who will help you to learn more about the accounting field. Ask them questions about their current job title and responsibilities, their previous and current challenges, and the rewards of their career. Speak with accountants with varied experience and backgrounds such as tax, audit, general ledger and reporting accountants.

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      Determine how you'll finance your education, whether it'll be out of pocket or based on loans or other assistance. Determine an amount you can reasonably afford. Confirm program or class costs and the payment deadlines by speaking with registration and the bursar's office. Compare program costs with the school rating. Speak with the financial department of each institution to determine the available payment options. Research available scholarships online to determine which scholarships you're eligible to receive to offset your costs.

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      Submit requests for brochures on programs that offer independent learning or online programs. Such programs are offered as part of the independent or distance learning department of a college or university. If there's an instructor, correspondence may be through print- or Internet-based materials with minimal or no class meetings. Decide on an accounting program that's reasonable and offers the education for the career path you desire to pursue.

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      Review the outline for your courses and determine how you'll meet the stated requirements. Develop a schedule for independent study. If there's an instructor, correspond with him on a regular basis. Complete all assignments as scheduled. Ask your instructor for assistance if you're finding the material or concepts of accounting difficult. Studying accounting requires effort and discipline.

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