Research & Methods for Design Projects

Design projects enable students to flex their creative muscles. However, every design project comes with a heavy research component as well. Research methods for design projects usually involve case study analyses, design template modifications and engineering tests. These methods require the skills of more than one professional, hence the tendency of designers to work in teams.
  1. Written Research

    • Written research is frequently used in academic design projects. Engineers especially use written research, as they must keep up to date with developments in applied mathematics when working on cutting-edge projects. Designers write reports that synthesize developments in applied fields -- e.g., art, applied math -- and theorize about how these developments could be applied to design work.

    Practice-Based Research

    • Working designers usually engage in practice-based research. Practice-based research may be done in labs, as in pharmaceutical or high-tech design, or computers, as in software and graphic design. Practice-based research is integrated with product development; practice-based researchers run trial-and-error design research in the process of developing new products.

    Research on Design Tools

    • Designers put a lot of effort into researching new design tools. In all types of design and engineering, more powerful tools mean more powerful products. Many engineering firms devote a portion of their research and development budget to developing new tools for in-house use. Graphic designers and programmers keep up to date with developments in software applications relevant to their fields. All designers research ways of using tools more effectively.

    Basic Research

    • Basic research methods attempt to arrive at an understanding of design principles. This form of research is highly academic. Basic researchers may read journals of art criticism and computer engineering, and attempt to develop theories synthesizing the freshest developments in both fields. Most basic research is done at colleges and universities.

    Applied Research

    • Applied research methods attempt to identify new ways of designing products. Applied research follows laboratory methods: experimentation, trial and error, and analysis. Not all applied researchers work in labs. However, all applied researchers follow the basic laboratory ethos of perfecting a process through trial and error. Applied research is done in all design fields, from engineering to software design.

    Design Thinking

    • Designers have a unique way of thinking. This thinking style colors and shapes research methods in design-related fields. Designers see themselves as engaged in a social process as they work in teams. Designers strive to preserve some ambiguity, as the most open-concept tools are the most powerful. Designers see all design as redesign, as every new design is based on previous designs. This philosophy guides open-concept research methods used by designers.

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