What Is the Difference Between a T-Statistic & a Z-Score?

Z-scores are used when greater information is available regarding your data and you can assume a normal distribution. T-scores are used when study populations are smaller and you must estimate the population standard deviation. Both values are compared to critical values found in standard tables to accept or reject a null hypothesis, H0. Critical values are inversely related to "n," your study sample size. If you use a large sample size, you will not need as large a T-score to reject H0.
  1. Z-Score Introduction

    • A Z-score, or Zx [Z of x], allows you to make inferences about your sample and how much of your sample deviates from the larger population's mean. You need a lot of data, however, to use it. A Z-score requires that you know your population mean ∪, the population standard deviation, or ∂, your sample size, or "n," and your sample's standard deviation, or "S."

    Estimating ∂

    • If you know ∂, then use the Z-test; if you don't know ∂, then estimate (find S) and use the T-test:

      s = √'(X - X line over)2/n - 1 = 'SS/n - 1

    T-Test Calculation

    • To calculate the T-test, first calculate the standard error of the estimate S from ∂ using the formula sx (s of x) = s/√n and now calculate t = X line over - ∪/sx (s of x).

    Critical Values

    • For both tests, Z-scores and T-scores, you must compare your result against a critical value found in charts at the appendixes of statistics textbooks or online. For Z-scores, however, you can assume a normal distribution and find your critical values in the normal distribution table. You cannot assume a normal distribution for T-scores, as they are based on an estimation and -- usually -- a smaller study population, or "n."

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