Ideas for a Graduation Project on Cosmetics

Graduation projects are capstone projects used to demonstrate the knowledge a student has obtained during her education. Cosmetology students frequently complete graduation projects centering around cosmetics and their usage. Other students, however, can also incorporate education regarding cosmetics into meaningful academic projects. Cosmetics are more than just frilly luxuries, and students can examine their sociological, historical and political implications.
  1. Cosmetics and Sociology

    • There has been much sociological debate about the use of cosmetics. Sociologists have examined the effects cosmetics have on self-image, how cosmetics marketing affects beauty standards and the ways in which cosmetics can potentially be used as tools of distraction and oppression. Try examining the ways in which cosmetics affect everyday life. Interview people about their views on and use of cosmetics or perform content analyses of cosmetics advertisements.

    Cosmetics and History

    • People have used cosmetics for thousands of years, although the nature of those cosmetics has changed greatly. In some times and places, for example, men have used cosmetics, while in most modern societies primarily women use cosmetics. Choose a specific time period and examine the history of the development of cosmetics during that time. Interview an elderly person about the ways in which cosmetics use has changed over her lifetime, or create a visual analysis of cosmetic trends in a particular century.

    Cosmetics and Politics

    • Cosmetics are the source of substantial political debate. Animal advocates are concerned about the animal testing frequently used in cosmetics, and many organic cosmetic companies have attempted to ease those concerns. Cosmetics also have important implications for children and teenagers, and many parents are concerned about the early age at which their children want to wear makeup. Consider choosing one of the political debates surrounding cosmetics use and presenting the sides of the argument. Then provide examples of the way the cosmetic industry has responded to political concerns.

    Cosmetics Use

    • As most cosmetology students know, cosmetics require substantial skill to use correctly. If your field of study is specific to makeup and beauty, consider developing a new cosmetic-application technique. Other excellent projects can include demonstrating different ways to wear cosmetics across the lifespan, among different ethnicities or for various occasions.

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