Term Paper Requirements

A term paper is an attempt to understand a topic more deeply and clearly. It is the basic form of writing essential in many college classes, as well as a tool for both discovering and communicating. While specific requirements may differ from one instructor or class to another, there are some basic requirements that you should accomplish to insure a good-quality term paper.
  1. Understand the Assignment

    • Writing a high-quality term paper begins with understanding the writing assignment. The first requirement is to have a clear sense of your purpose, your audience, the form and method of assessment for you piece of writing. For example, you may be asked to develop an argument or to write a process paper. If a pattern is not apparent, one may evolve during the research step. An effective thesis statement will often suggest an organizing pattern.

    Determine a Topic

    • Understanding the assignment does not guarantee that the writing process will be easy. However, finding the right topic and angle of approach will make the process go more smoothly. Your task is to select a specific topic related to the general area of study. For example, "energy sources" is a general subject area, while "using wind power" is a limited topic.

    Collect Information

    • The next requirement is to collect as much information about it as you can. The more you know about the subject, the easier it will be to write about it. If you cannot answer who, what, where, when, why, and how, do additional research until you can. Develop a list of questions and use them to guide you with your research.

    Form a Thesis Statement

    • The process of writing a working thesis statement leads in a funnel fashion from a general subject to a limited topic to a specific focus on that topic. In this term paper requirement, you convert your focus into a single sentence expressing the central point you intend to develop in the rest of your paper. For example, "using wind power" is a limited topic. A thesis statement for this topic might be, "Wind power provides a viable energy source in the Plains states."

    Choose a Method of Development

    • You must choose the overall method of development for your writing. Examples of methods include, process, narrative, description, comparison, cause-and-effect, problem-and solution, classification, argumentation, definition and explain-and-analyze.

    Develop an Outline

    • An outline will help you write your draft and determine if you need to do more research to fully support your thesis. Organize the main points and supporting details that you expect to cover in the term paper. Arrange the points in an order that best develops and supports your thesis. Follow the outline when writing your term paper.

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