How to Format a Footnote for a Research Paper in MLA

Footnotes are notes for a paper that appear at the bottom, or "foot," of the page. Modern Language Association guidelines encourage writers to use parenthetical notes instead of footnotes. However, some publishers or professors may request that you use footnotes instead. Therefore, the MLA allows footnotes for further explanation of a point, or to point your readers toward other sources in your reference list that may further illuminate a particular idea.


    • 1

      Use a superscripted Arabic number within the text of your paper to indicate that the reader should refer to a footnote. In general, superscripted numbers should be positioned after marks of punctuation such as commas and periods. Do not place superscripted numbers after dashes.

    • 2

      Begin your footnoted section four lines, or two double-spaced lines, below the main body of the text.

    • 3

      Begin your footnote with a number that correspond to the superscripted number in the text, followed by a period and a space before beginning the note. For example, if a superscripted number 1 indicates that your reader should refer to a footnote, that footnote should begin with "1." followed by a single space.

    • 4

      Position the first line of your footnote so that the number is indented five spaces in from the left margin. Subsequent lines of the same footnote should line up with the left margin in the main body of the text. Note that footnotes should be single-spaced.

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