The Cost of Tuition for Colleges in Minnesota

The perpetually-broke college student is a widespread stereotype but, unfortunately, has some basis in reality. The cost of education is rising faster than the general inflation rate, according to Minnesota's Office of Higher Education, so college is getting more expensive. Good information about tuition and other costs is crucial to students when it comes time to choose a school. Fortunately, there are good resources available.
  1. Minnesota Office of Higher Education

    • The Minnesota Office of Higher Education oversees the public and private colleges in the state. Its website contains a wealth of statistical and other information about higher education in Minnesota and nearby states. Of particular use is a current database of tuition and fees at all Minnesota post-secondary schools. There is also a historical table of tuition averages for some a number of leading schools.

    Average Tuition Rates, 2010/2011 Academic Year

    • The OHE provides the following average figures: For the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, tuition for students enrolled in a liberal arts program averages $12,288. Some students will incur additional fees, depending upon the program. For students attending four-year institutions in the state university system, annual tuition averages $6,895. For students at two-year state community colleges, the average annual tuition is $4,919. For students attending one of the 17 private schools belonging to the Minnesota Private College Council, the average annual tuition is $30,411. Rates for a given school can be obtained from the website of the OHE and the cost for a specific program can be obtained directly from the schools.

    National Center for Education Statistics

    • The NCES maintains a database of accredited schools across the country. Data from the NCES is available to consumers through the College Navigator website, a useful tool for students choosing a school. It allows searches to be filtered by state, zip code, geographic proximity, range of tuition cost, average test scores, programs offered and other variables. The database provides the average tuition cost of each selected school and allows comparison of up to four schools at a time in an easy-to-read grid format.

    Other Considerations

    • Minnesota has tuition reciprocity agreements with the neighboring states of North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin. Minnesota students can attend a school in those states and pay the resident tuition rate, rather than the higher out-of-state rate. It is important to note, however, that tuition is only a part of the total cost of attending college. Housing and other living costs, lab fees, books and other necessities will cost money. These additional costs need to be taken into consideration when choosing a school. Most schools offer potential students guidance in this area.

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