How to Find Scholarships for CSI Students

Scholarships are one way in which students can lower or even eliminate the costs of an education. CSI students are in great demand with law enforcement employers all over the United States, which means that if you are a good candidate for becoming a CSI professional, you might be eligible for scholarships. There are plenty of private and institutional scholarships available if you take the time to look.


  1. Forensic Scholarships

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      Ask career or educational counselors for scholarship guides, which can usually be found in the offices of most high schools and universities.

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      Participate in forensics-oriented programs if your high school offers them. Many high schools have programs in which students set up mock crime scenes and learn the logistics of forensics, which could give you an advantage.

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      Visit the UNI Forensics Web site for information about its forensic scholarships for CSI students.

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      Visit the Lewis and Clark College Web site. It has an amazing forensics program and offers full and partial scholarships to qualified applicants.

    Academic Scholarships

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      Research scholarships for students whose grade point averages are equivalent to your own. Many CSI students can get scholarships based on academics alone.

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      Visit Fast Web for a comprehensive database of local, national and college-specific scholarships. You can enter criteria and tailor your search results to suit your needs.

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      Talk with teachers and administrators at your high school to inquire about recommendations. Often, you can secure an academic scholarship with a glowing letter from a teacher or principal.

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      Visit the College Scholarship Web site, which enters new scholarships every year and also gives valuable information about different universities and trade schools.

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